Greetings and a sincere welcome to you and your fellow students. Since ancient times, mathematics contests have given students a path to success in life. Among the most treasured and prestigious jobs in the world are those that use mathematics. Young people with mathematical skills are fortunate to be ready to enter a highly technical world where mathematical talent is highly rewarded. Our plans are to carry out part of our program at the world famous Stanford University, with selected Chinese and American students. We wish you good fortune.
欢迎大家来到美国 Math League 思维探索活动!自古以来,高水平的数学竞赛就是一条帮助学生迈向成功巅峰的捷径;纵观世界,众多高回报、有声誉、令人羡慕的职业都与数学有着密不可分的关系。而在现今高科技时代数学天赋更是被极力地推崇,所以拥有数学才能的年轻人无疑是幸运的。在这样的背景下,美国 Math League 思维探索活动的初衷也就应运而生,即是:发现、培养优秀的数学人才,届时将汇集中、美两国优秀的数学人才,相聚于世界知名的斯坦福大学,共享数学之饕餮盛宴。祝大家学业顺利、前程似锦!
著名数学奥林匹克专家,中国国际数学奥林匹克竞赛 (IMO)创始人
美国 Math League 思维探索活动学术委员会主任
美国 Math League 思维探索活动学术委员会执行副主任