Final Presentation: Gray 队

Gray 队:王彬瀚,顾丞源,周靖淳,彭凯帆,王青阳,卢天祐,吴骧,李翊凡,黄子昂



Favorite Round
Group Favorite: Team round
Points For Decision:
Point 1: The team round promotes the sharing of knowledge and increased team loll aberration and communication.
Point 2: The team round allows specialized competitors to complete questions in their own desired area. This increases the general quality of overcome, as well as enjoyment for all individuals.

Least Favorite Round
Group Least Favorite: Individual Round
Points For Decision:
Point 1: The increased difficulty of questions decreases satisfaction and enjoyment for competitors due to student's in ability to complete questions.
Point 2: The language barrier between English and Chinese discourages students to complete questions, students also complain about the lack of words in a dictionary which does not help by prosing this barrier.



In my opinion, my favorite lecture is the one we build for several reasons.
First of all, the most crucial reason is the snub dodecahedron that we learn a lot from each other. Different people have different background, we can exchange ideas and make new friends when we are listening to professor, he inspires and teaches us how to construct the ball.
Secondly, another important reason is that we develop a serse of teamwork spirit. When we are making that ball, we help each other to conquer the difficults it brings.
Therefore, that's why I believe xxx is my favorite lecture.



I have seen a lot of different in my dorms between what I thought. The biggest problem is that the light is not bright enough in the night, for example, if you sit in the bed, then you will find that it's hard to look at the things in the room and the other problem is that I can't open the window, even if we have the fun.
However, there are also many good things. For example, the things in the room like tooth paste are sufficient for both people, so we can clean our stuff by ourselves, and it's good to develop this habit.

Tianyou Lu:


Hello everyone, I'm Jack. I'm in team 3. Today I'm here to talk about our counselors.
I think our counselors is very great, they are very enthusiasm and helpful. Why? Because they help us so much. They help us to keep safe, remind us to be on time and help us when we were in troubles or need anything else. I really thank them.
That is what I think for our counselors. Thanks for listening.

Karen (Kaifan Peng):


Similarities/differences between China and USA.
Differences 1: Located in the opposite parts of earth.
1. there are a lot of differences between China and USA. Basically, the population of China is much more than the one in USA, so there are more cars in China. Secondly, in China, people always eats hot food and drink hot water, but in the US, it's all different. On the other hand, we Chinese often use wechat to chat, but Americans don't. Additionally, Americans use algorithm or basic calculate to solve a problem but we just use some formulas or fixed algorithm to solve it.
All in all, different culture make people different, just as the differences between Chinese and Americans.

Celina (Jingchun Zhou):


Similarities/differences between China and USA.
As two influential countries in the world, USA and China have many similarities. The people from both countries are friendly and for sure - very smart. Both of them are willing to help others and looking forwards to facing challenges. We use quite different ways to solve problems. Americans are more straight forward and use more simple ways to solve but Chinese are implicit. Both of them can solve the problem so we should include every kinds of cultures.
Also China and USA are great at technology. For example: Medical technology and Artificial intelligence. Technology benefits our life which is a convenient tool. But both of the two countries cherish their own traditions. Which we think is very good because even though technology are convenient but traditions should never been forgotten.

Eric Qingyang Wang:


Hi everyone, I'm Eric, I'm going to talk about the food. Food there are much different from them in China. The food such as hamburger, friench fries, ham are seldom eaten in China. Now I have many chance to eat them. But I can't get used to some of the food there. And the foods from China cooked worse there.