Final Presentation: Yellow 队

Yellow 队:崔好,邱家熠,黄可馨,陆雪琪,谢宇田,王梓懿

Jenny Gu:


I gonna talk about Dorm and Food.
First of all, my group members think the room is may too dark. And one of my group member's roommate was awake when she went to bed and awake when she get up. But they are nice our roommates.
Also, FOOD is the most important part for me. Our team ate pizza sometimes the pizza here are delicious! And the burgers are good and some of us said they are better than the burger in their school. When we went to fieldtrips, we also got bubble tea, although they are not as good as "YiDianDian" in China. But we love it.



The difference between China & the USA is pretty substantial. First, the environment is surely better in the US. The air is very clean, and we even saw squirrels and fireflies, which are basically extinct in Chinese cities. Second, the food in both places are different. China has real Chinese food, but America has delicious burgers and pizza. I also had bubble tea in Princeton, and the bubbles are softer than Chinese ones. Third, there's the technology. China has better wifi (almost 4G access everywhere), yet there are more websites in America, and Google is WAY better than Baidu. It's really funny that many American brands have "made in China" written all over them, yet some "made in China" stuffs can't even be found in China. And finally there's the education. I always think the US education focused more on creativity instead of difficulty, which is almost the exact opposite of Chinese education. I think maybe this is the whole point of the Math League: to relieve Chinese students from the grips of textbooks and exercises, and to get them to team up and create things.



We have been through many lectures during the Math League camp, such as the codes, the graph, the card tricks and a lot of other lectures. We love most of them, but we think some of them should be improved. The lecture we think is the most fascinating one was the lecture about the card tricks. I bought cards (show the cords) specifically for this lecture. The person who held this lecture is a really nice old man. I was asking him a lot of questions about the magical tricks. He answered me puhently and talked to me about the order of the cards would never change. If we got a chance, we would specifically say "thank you" to that professor. Please, if you could, tell the lecturer if he comes next year. By the way, I am going to perform it in the talent show in my school. Also, we do think some lectures should be improved. For example, the woman who was trying to do the experiment with beans. There is a requirement for people to split their beans into half, and each person just got random number of beans. However, what should people do if they got odd number of beans? Should they actually split the beans into half? That may lead to inaccuracy of the data. Those two are our favorite lectures and the lectures we should be improved.
That's if Sonia will be introduced the tournament.



Greeting and intro
After the student and friends, I want to talk about me and my team's daily life with our two counselors. The first counselor I meet is Mrs. Precious, she is a very strict unpredictable and active counselor, first time I meet her on the ground outside the dorm for the practice of five alarm, she talk with us a lot of things in the camp with mosquito in 1h. And we meet Mrs. Maddie after that. She have a lot of different between Mrs. P, she's kind tenderly teacher.
1. Carrying, Jokes
2. Bubble tea, Sushi
3. Bookstore
4. Pizza party
5. Find people
I think you can guess what will happen in the best team with two different kind of counselor. So I want talk about our daily life with Mrs. P's growl.
At the beginning of a day, after we have a breakfast. It's time for asumble, but when there people are not here, Maddie will choose someone randomly, I don't know is it randomly but it always me. And next are 2 period of unpredictable lectures, lunch and another two lectures. Then it is my favorite hours every day, "free times!!!" Mrs. Maddie and Mrs. Precious will go to the bookstore with us. Sushi smoothies bubble teas and a lot of things I like. And when we back to Hall Maddie and Precious will talk and Joke with us, they always say "Arthur! Carrying me!" We play COC with Owen and watch Precious Pick on him.
In the evening, if there are some things we need celebrate, Mrs. Precious will held a pizza party and Mrs. Precious "Hiccup Soda".
But 10 day passed like stream, today is time to say "Goodbye". Thanks you Mrs. P and Mrs. M and all my team members, you give me my most happy experience and memory in holiday, I hope I can see you next year.



Trips and friends
Well, first of all, the trip to the Franklin Institute was pretty cool. We both love those movies of stars and the ocean very much, especially the movie of the ocean, we were astounded by it. The sports room and the room which introduces brains are fantastic, we learnt something by doing some little experiments by ourselves. And the trip to Princeton also impressed us a lot, actually those bubble tea did impress us a lot, they were a little bit different from China but they were really sweet and delicious.
During these trips, we made lots of friends. Before this camp, I didn't know any of you guys, well how I made so much friends, we are from different cities or countries, and fortunately we met here. We had meals together, watched movies and even soap opera together, we also solved mathematical problems together. Our group members are humorous and awesome. In our team, those boys often played card games during the break and their games is a mix of the East and the West. They are both very smart and played really well. And of course, it's really harmonious in our team 11, we help each other and we all proud of our team.
Well, that's all.

Sonia Kexin Huang:


For our team, the most fascinating part of the tournament is the team round. All of us worked very hard together. First, we had a clear plan to start with. During the hour, everyone paid full attention. If someone got stuck, we exchanged questions. Our team cooperated well together, and we got a good result at last. What I like about team round is the way of sharing ideas and thoughts with others, with people who are talented at math and lead you to a brand new way of thinking. Also, the North American students just joined our team at that time. After the team round, we were much closer with each other.
On the other hand, my least favorite tournament is the individual round. The time limit for each question put me in a anxious mood. I even missed two questions that I thought I should get right. In addition, it was pretty hard for us to get a question right without help from others. Moreover, the individual round were separated into two parts, which made me not able to stop thinking about it for a whole day!
All in all, we still enjoyed the tournaments a lot. We gained a lot and had fun.