Final Presentation: Pumpkin 队

Pumpkin 队: 黄浩铖,赵沛琪,时诺冰,乐意,简亦泓,沈裕舜,菅子涵,赵梓添

Haocheng Huang:


My favorite competition is fast race because it's easy, my least favorite competition is team one, it has many trouble on it.
My favorite thing is smartphone, it help us to study.
My least favorite thing is dessert, it is too sweet.
My favorite counselor is Jacob, he is funny, I have no least favorite counselor.
Yes, I do, but it's too cold, and the food isn't yummy (I think just for Chinese), cheese is hard, juice is to sweet. There's no warm water!

Peiqi Zhao:


For my favorite competition speed round, because it is a little bit easier than others. I don't like the relay round, because it is too hard. I really love the secret messages too, because I learnt lots of ways to send a message. It is helpful. Maybe I can use it someday, I like both Sharly and Cidney, because they are all really nice and helpful. But the dorm is so cold, I almost get ill. And the food is really good too.

Robyn Cheng Shi:


I like to know how to write the secrets message. It was fun. And it has challenge.
I like all the team challenge. They are all interesting.
My favorite counselor was Shirley & Cidney. The room was cold.
USA has delicious hamburger.

Louis Yi Le:


I like the lesson. Because they are interesting. Teachers are funny and never speak wrong. I learn a lot. The favorite thing I like is teachers can give me the pencils and papers to answer questions.
I hate the food. Every food is meat and I think it's terrible. I want to eat some dumplings, rice, noodles...... A lot of drinks are cola, I want some juice.
And it is cold in my room, I can't sleep at all!

Yihong Jian:


Greetings! Everyone, my name is Horus. My favorite test is the Speed Round. Because it's about speed so it's easier than the other tests.
Secret Code (lexure), because it's very interesting. I can send secret messages to my friend. I like all the lexures, but this is my favorite.
My favorite counselors are Cidney and Shirley, because they are all kind and patient, they tried to learn Chinese but they never actually succeed.
Do you like where you sleep?
It's too cold (Air conditionary is about 20 degrees celsius). It's too small.

Yushun Shen:


Hello! Welcome listen to Team 7's talk show! These are my teammates.
Oh! Let me ask you sth. How many interesting thing are there in camp? Count! My answer is in-fi-ni-ty.
First I'll start with my diary of everyday here.
My diary: Morning: I wake up in the cold air. I went to eat the delicious breakfast. I took a lot because there're a lot of things is my favorite. But, a few minutes later I need to leave.
Afternoon: I go with my favorite counselors Cidney and Shirly to do tests, have lessons and eat the lunch which is really luscious too.
Evening: We have dinner after lessons, and finally is shows and our spare time and sleep!
Sometimes teacher let us to so faster, my reason is because there is a sign said "Derek School, go slow." Oh I forget to say sth.
I think here is as nice as China because 80% of people here is Chinese. It's noisy is China and it's also here. And let me ask if it is possible for me to give some suggest.
I wish the temperature inside the rooms can be warmer!

Zihan Jian:

Zitian Zhao:


Speed Round (I can know many different things). I don't like any lexure because I don't have enough time to play there (except for soccer). I don't like my bedroom because it's so cold. My favorite counselors are Jacob Stein or Adam Jacob or Cidney Robinsor or Sheley Ayala. Because they're kind and patient! China is very modern, but it's not beautiful. America is also modern but it's very beautiful and wide.