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Hello, I am Daniel Flegler, co-founder and President of Math League. Over the last five years, thousands of Chinese students participated in Math League Contests and achieved outstanding performance. Each year, we select students who performed well in both the first-round and second-round Math League Contests to come to US in the summer to compete in our annual international summer tournament and listen to lectures from distinguished professors from Stanford University, Columbia University, Williams College, etc.

Congratulations on your prominent achievement in Math League First-Round Contest on Nov 20, 2016! You demonstrated your strong mathematical and English skills in the first-round contest, and you are qualified to take the second-round contest.

The second-round contest is designed to motivate students to think mathematically, to train students how to think creatively and critically, and develop their problem-solving skills. Students will have fun and enjoy solving interesting problems in taking the second-round contest.

If you are doing well in the second-round contest, you will be eligible to participate in Math League International Summer Tournament in the summer of 2017 in United States. You will be able to listen to lectures by distinguished professors from the top universities in United States, including Stanford University, Princeton University, Columbia University, and Williams College. This summer tournament is for academically talented and motivated students who achieved superior performance in the preliminary contests. This program provides an opportunity for these students to pursue their intellectual curiosity and meet others who share their interests and abilities. The program is one that academically talented and motivated students will find fun, challenging and rewarding.

I look forward to having you in our program and wish you to have fun while learning and learn while having fun. I am sure you will leave with a sense of academic accomplishment, new friends, and fond memories as one of the best you have ever had, and one you will always remember.

Good luck and best wishes! Happy Chinese New Year!

大家好,我是美国“数学大联盟杯赛”联合创始人及总裁,Daniel Flegler. 首先我代表美国“数学大联盟杯赛”组委会,向你表示祝贺!恭喜你在2016-2017年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”初赛中成绩优异,获得了参加复赛的资格,并有机会在2017年暑假赴美参加决赛和夏令营。过去五年,每年有数以万计的中国学生参加美国“数学大联盟杯赛”。每年暑假在美国,初赛、复赛成绩优异的美国、加拿大、中国学生一起参加决赛和夏令营,聆听来自美国顶尖大学(普林斯顿大学、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、威廉姆斯学院等)教授的精彩讲座。


作为北美地区影响力最大的中小学数学赛事,美国“数学大联盟杯赛”以其美式教育特有的趣味性和创新性,受到了越来越多中国优秀学生的关注和喜欢。我们举办复赛的目的就是为了启发学生如何 thinking mathematically, 培养学生 creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, 即探索如何用数学解决实际生活中的问题,培养学生创造性思维、批判性思维、和实际解决问题的能力。


Daniel Flegler