Final Presentation: Team 10

Team 10: Dechuan Yu, Haojun Yan, Haonan Zhao, Haoran Ren, Jiading Zhu, Le Li, Linyue Xu, Mowen Zhao, Shuaijie Huang, Yang Fei, Yunxin Li, Zian Wang

Linyue Xu:


Hello, everyone. My name is Eva, and Chinese name is Xu Linyue. I'm very happy to be here. I like maths very much so I like the camp. Although I didn't win a prize in the competition, I learned many things in the camp and had a lot of fun.
The best thing I like in lecture is polytopes. I think they were amazing! Especially the polytopes in four-dimension. It is splendid, right?
In my opinion, learning maths is for fun. Maths is beautiful, and I enjoy the process we learning. Especially when a surprising proof is given, I will get very happy.
What's more, for the food. I like the tomatoes here. It is so delicious!
My counselors are really kind. I enjoy talking to them. I like Old Chinese Poems, and Adam likes it too, so I write many letter to introduce poems to him. I felt very happy. And I drew with Jennifer, Lauren and Sofia. It's fantastic.
The campus here is very good. It is natural. When we walking along the road, we can see many squerrals and green trees. And the weather here is not bad, and the sky is so blue.
I've never left my parents for so long so these day I miss home very much. Sometimes I got sad. But my friends always got along with me. So that I wouldn't be lonely. We've talked a lot, for example, we talked about science. It's so fun and this is a big comfort to me.
The ten days passed so fast. I've got lots of happiness and tomorrow we will return home. I find that I have much more to study and the maths world is much more fantastic than I think. I want to be a scientist in the future but I won't give up Chinese old poems! The world is amazing!
Thanks for listening.



Hello. Ladies and gentlemen. I'm Felipe from team 10. It's my great honor to give a speech here. Today, I don't want to talk much about the lectures and competitions because sometimes they were boring. Otherwise, I have a lot of words to say about the people here. I think Americans are very kind and outgoing. It's my first time abroad, and it's also my first time speaking English in my daily life. Everything seems to be difficult, each conversation is a challenge. But that's also a pleasure. When we were talking, they spoke slowly, they changed their ways of expression, they used gestures and they pointed at things. All these things they did were just to help me understand. My counselors were very good. Jacob took us to a card game named "set". Its rule was complicated but we had a lot of fun. He was also a very interesting man and always did something to make us laugh. I think when I was with him time flew by fast. Jen, Lauren and Sophia were also very kind. They provided their free time taking us to the bookstore. And they thought of a lot of interesting games to play with us in order to improve our relationships. For example, a game named "A cold wind blows ". We talked much and enjoyed much. Otras consejeras como Yadira, Yasmin, Yuli y Juan me ayudaron a practicar mi malo espanol. Muchas gracias por eso. There were some students from America and Canada in our team. They are not here right now but they did bring me much happiness, Kodai was a real genius. He got what the professor said, even though it was very difficult and complicated. When I had questions, he explained them to me in detail. My roommate Evan, who was from Canada but can speak Chinese, talked with me about the education system in Canada. I learnt a lot and knew more about the differences between these two countries. I think I need no more introductions for my teammates because they are so good, funny and popular. This is truly a valuable experience. That's all. Thank you.

Haojun Yan:


Hello, my name is Yan Haojun, from Guangzhou city. This summer, I came to the college of New Jersey for the Math League International Summer Tournament. It was an exciting and unforgettable experience in my life time.
I made many good friends here, these friends were not only Chinese but also foreigner, everyone was friendly. My roommate Nick from Canada, likes to play overmatch on his computer. Although I lost the game, he gave nothing but encouragement.
The food in USA is quite different from China. Although it is not so good as Chinese food, especially the rice in America, we need to taste different food in foreign countries. Counselors are beautiful and kind, they are always ready to help us, such as assisting us with the information on the test. In the free time, some of our counselors played cards with us. The game called "set" is funny. It's my first time to play it. Field trips were also wonderful. We had a visit in Franklin Institute and Princeton University. The University is bigger than the one I imagined, it took us 3h to visit it. Above all, lectures in the college were great. Although some lectures were so hard that I can't understand at all, it is rare to listen to lectures in the college. We learnt knowledge from their lectures that it is not taught in Chinese junior schools' classes. The most important one is the M&Ms game. It showed that the connections between small M&Ms and great Mathematics.
I learnt a lesson from this tournament. Chinese students are really hard-working and clever, their Mathematics abilities are wonderful. It's great to have a chance to come back again.



Hello everyone, I'm Edi, the leader of the team 10, just joking.
I'm here to talk about my team, the team ten. We had a great time in TCNJ, the counselor are pretty and Jacob. He is handsome, sometimes he is naive and childish. I love his beard, but the shared it. He's good at sports and card games, he taught us how to play set, a great game that practice brain.
Though we didn't win the team competition, my teammates are the best, our team is the happiest. Let's talk about some of my teammates. The girl on the screen is Stella, she's pretty right? She is the master of meme, most of the meme we made these days are about her. We often played tricks on her like that, but it doesn't mean we don't like her, we treat her just like our own sister. We talked a lot on meal time.
Let's see who's next.
Oh, Danny, he is funny, just like what you see, he comes from Beijing, he's good at English, sometimes he translated the sentences for us. We worked as a team in relay competition, and did a great job. He thought this picture makes him looks like a godfather. Neh, I don't think so.
Leo is the first person I know when I came here, because I was the last one that night. He is the real boss in our team, he did all difficult questions, but he's luck, not so good.
Because of time isn't enough, I can't talk about all of my friends, and my best friend the reason he will tell to you guys.
You see, we were 12 different independent people. Because of destiny, we meet at TCNJ. We will probably continue our friendship even we go back China. It's a great experience in my life.



Hi, I'm Chad. And this is my final presentation.
It is the first time that participate in Math League tournament and visit TCNJ.
TCNJ is a famous school although I haven't heard of it before. However when I walked into TCNJ, I found that the buildings are well-decorated, there are trees and grass everywhere, and there always are squirrels or other small animals wondering around, running or jumping on the trees, even just on the road. With the mild climate and the combination playing of buildings and nature, the campus become peaceful and beautiful.
Dormitory. The dorm I live in is much better than that of mine in China. It is bigger, and shared by less people. But the temperature is always to low, the bed I have is too tall that I have to pay much effect to get on and always be afraid to fall down during sleep. During the time story in the dorm, we had a lot of fun by games, cards and snacks.
Now, let me talk about the food. For some reasons, some of us Chinese students like them while others don't. For me, I just haven't got used to the diet hare. We're had many lectures during these days. I learnt lots of new things that haven't be taught and will not be taught in China. I have also experienced the high interacting in American classrooms and the passion of North American students. It is honor that I can be taught by many successful mathsmetical a great and professors. They let me final the interest of Maths and about the deeper aspect of mathsmetical researches.
After the 3-day competition. I realize that I need to work harder to fill the gaps between myself and the better students and the importance of competition. In addition to the lectures and competition. We have been to the Franklin institute and Princeton University. In the Franklin Institute, we had a lot of fun and form choser friendship with each other. In Princeton, I have seen a more beautiful college and listened to some interesting historical stories.
I want to talk about our counselor Jacob. He is the best student that I have ever teach because I only have one student. He has great curiosity in learning Chinese and he does put effort to it. He tried his best to take care of us, a bunch of naughty children. He is also a humorous man that always make us laugh and be happy.
Actually, I have a lot of other things which are worth to say, like my teemates, my other counselors and also the talent show. However, I want to stop here right now. Although the Math League tournament have taken up one forth of my summer vacation and interrupt my pare to finish my homework. It provide me great fun and absolutely will push me toward.
Thank you.

Leo Lee:


1. In the first place, I appreciate that the math league can give me a chance to stand on the stage right now and that all of you are concentrating on listening to my speech.
2. My name is Leo Lee, I'm from Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, Obviously, I have much interest in maths, physics, chemistry, biology, statistics, botany, ecology, economics and computer science. Certainly, not am I good at all of these subjects, so I sincerely want to keep in touch with some of you to discuss with these subject problems. Maybe you would regard me as a boring boy through these descriptions, but that's just a part of me. I also have some hobbies, such as singing songs, playing basketball playing chess and so on.
3. During the days when I am taking part in the Math League, not only is my mathematics knowledge enriched, but also my horizon is enlarged. The given lectures show me many math projects that I've never seen before, from easy to difficult. What's more, some problems in the competition are very challenging for me, which satisfy my desire in exploring maths. Besides, it's very educational that the extracurricular activities I participated taught me a lot about American culture and history. In one word, I think the programs are very successful.
4. Of course, how can I forget my companions? In the spare time, our conversations relax me and give me a lot pleasure. As you see, so many funny pictures have recorded our unforgettable moments, which are very valuable in my memory, in the meantime, they impress me with their unique personalities. Standing here, I'm grateful that, all of you accompany with me going through a cheerful time.
5. As the Chinese saying goes "there is no party that can last forever". Anyway, it's a fortune for me to meet all of you here. If I have another opportunity next year, it's no doubt that I will come back to math league as a senior high school student. I hope I can see the familiar faces again! I'm looking forward to having a better trip next year! By the way, I also wish a better cafe. Thank you for your listening!



Hi, my name is Messi.
I'm very honored to have this opportunity to stand here and share my experiences with you about the Math League tournament. The final round of this competition is long and difficult.
I found the mathematics can be fun and interesting, even though some of you may not agree with me.
The final round let me express my own thoughts, that's what I like. There are few things to say about the questions.
Some are quite easy, some can be hard. They were pretty good.
The lectures were fantastic. The professors taught us many new things about maths.
I'm sure all of us have been impressed with the lecture about maths in dating.
The most important part must be the competition. We did a good job in team part and we answered 8 questions correctly.
I think I did well in the individual part also. Speed round, however, it's a big challenge for me.
There are too many things to say with the relay round.
In the first round, everything was good, we answered the questions correctly in 9 minutes. In the second round, the first person kept making mistakes and I oven didn't have the chance to see the question.
However, when the answers were announced, we found that the first person guessed it in 5 minute!
In the third round, same thing happened, we couldn't stop yelling and screaming when we guessed the answers correctly once again.
What I want to say is that we should never give up.
Although our team didn't win any award, we tried our best, we worked for one goal.
Then, we are the winner. I think every team is the winner.
We need to keep this valuable spirit.
The field trips are really exciting. I love buying clothes, souvenirs and gifts, and also. I love the trip itself.
I am very thankful for the counselors, they took good care of us, Jacob and Christine played football with me. Lauren, Sofia, Jane took me to the souvenir shop. They were so good.
I also need to thank my teammates. We played games together and did many things. We worked as a team, just like a big family.
Everyone has merits and short comings, meanwhile, everybody has unlimited potential. We need to keep developing it and try our best in everything we do. If we did, please clap for ourselves.
That's all for my speech. Thanks for your time. Hope everyone's future is glorious and shining.

Danny Wang:


Bonjour! My name is Danny Wang and I am from Beijing. I am just an ordinary kid leading an ordinary life, yet the Math League has made my summer extraordinary.
Upon the day of arrival, I was feeling a bit annoyed and irritated since I was interrupted from my cozy summer life of games and sleeping. Having the thought that this would end in just 10 days' time, I decided stay cool and not socialize and just get through this with the least amount of effort.
During breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I sat by myself and finished my food in five minutes and went back to the dorms afterwards. During the free time, I stayed in my room and practiced guitar to myself. During the visit to the museum, I went away from my group and toured the whole place by myself. I only communicated the minimum amount with my group members and counselors to receive the necessary information.
I thought things would stay like that, easy and alone, yet it turned out to be totally different as I expected:
despite the fact that I avoided sitting together with my group, several of them still came to sit and talk with me during meals; although I stayed in my room all the time by myself, my team members still came to knock on my door to invite me to play card games or practice guitar with them almost every night; in spite of me being silent all the time, my group members and counselors still accosted me kindly.
I was defeated, by the friendliness and comfort my group members and counselors provided me. I gave up the thought of sealing myself up and staying alone. I passionately engaged my friends and counselors in conversation and told them silly jokes, and it turned out that it was more enjoyable to me.
I enjoyed seeing the movies with my friends and watching them fall asleep one by one; I enjoyed playing the card game SET with my counselors and friends and calling out No Set before they turn over the cards; I enjoyed practicing guitar with my friends and laughing at them for their mistakes; I enjoyed teaching the counselors Chinese and seeing them pronounce their Chinese names in weird ways; I enjoyed playing video games with my friends, Messi, Eddy, and Henry and it was funny watching Messi getting phone taken away.
In the end, although I received no awards except the "Merits Award", I still felt enriched. The time I spent here would surely become one of the most unforgettable experiences and memories in my life. If given the chance I would definitely come back here next summer.
Last but not least, I want to thank my counselors Christine, Sophia, Jen, and Lauren for spending their summer to help us, take care of us, chat with us, and be with us. I sincerely appreciate your help and enjoy your company.
Last and least, I want to give special thanks to Jacob for taking me to the soccer game, for taking care and finding medicine for me when I was feeling sick, and for chatting with me all the time during the visit to Princeton. Wait for me to come back and visit you!
Thank you.


It should be a great honor to attend this summer camp and works wit my team mates.
It is the first time to be somewhere without my family member. I feel a little bit lonely and nerves in the first day a come here. No one is gonna to tell me what should do in every minutes. But my roommates are very friendly, she always help me on almost all the question that I was very confused in.
The counselor in our team is kind. For the first 3 days, Jacob and Cristine are our counselors. Jacob is very handsome and he is now learning Chinese. Chinese is a very difficult to learn. But he can speak full sentence in Chinese after learning for several days. In the second day, Cristine take me and the other girl eva for a tour of the campus of TCNJ after lunch. The lake in the south looks extremely beautiful and I have seen a deer in the opposite river bank. For all the other days. Sophia, Lauren, Jen are our new counselors. They are pretty college students from TCNJ. They take selfies and chat with us in our leisure time. They always talks about funny jokes to us.
I was very shocked that the weather is very different with the weather in Shanghai. Its more than 40C in SH and it is very humid in SH. But the temperature and the humidity here is totally opposite in SH. I feel cold for almost all the time in the morning and evening. Someone told me that I should bring an umbrella with me caz it will rains almost everyday. But I find out that the sunshine is so dazzling.
The lecture is fantastic. I have never notice that math can be so interesting before attending this camp. Although the question is too difficult for me to understand and solve. But I am interested in solving these questions. The lecture talking about dropping eggs is awesome. I have never discuss this question for once. It is new for me. I can remember the lecture I took yesterday morning. About the M&M this lecture demonstrated that the math is close related to our daily life.
Thanks for listening.


Hello, everyone, I'm very glad to speak to you here. This is my first time going abroad. Before I got on the plane to America, I was very excited and looking forward to this trip. I think this trip is very meaningful. In the first seven days, we studied many teachers gave us lectures. The things that impression most is that we use four of four to get one to one hundred. I still have some number to work out until now. There are four kinds of competitions. They are individual competition, team competition, relay competition.
I like the relay competition best. Because we have four people, and one person does a wrong answer, others will all wrong. So I think this competition tests the team spirits. No matter how smart you are if the last persons answer is wrong. Your team will not score. On July thirty, we went to Princeton. A guide told us a lot of stories that happened there. I loved there very much. I think it's a good choice to take part in this activity.
Because at the jet lag, I always got up at about 4 o'clock at the first four nights. Now I adapt to the jet lag but I think I will get up early again when I return to China.


Hello, everyone!
Thanks for listening to my final presentation.
This year, I took part in the Math League International Summer Tournament. It's my first time to go out of my country. I felt a different culture, and learnt a lot about my study.
One of the differences between here and Chinese universities is the dominaries. In China, about six to eight students share one room. When night comes, some students may continue talking, and they talk very loudly. Because of this, not only them, but also the other students can't go to sleep. However, only two students share one room here. If one of them goes to sleep, the other one won't have any partners, and has to go to sleep as well.
During the competitions, I brought my dictionary just like the other Chinese students, but when I was reading the questions, I found that the dictionary was not very necessary as I can understand them by thinking and guessing.
I think the relay round was the most interesting, and the most difficult part because everyone on the table must answer his or her question correctly. If there is one mistake, they will lose the whole round.
Speed test is another special round in the competition. The questions are not very difficult, but it is a challenge to solve sixty questions in forty-five minutes. This means that we need more speed and accuracy than some knowledge which is difficult for us.
From the rounds above, I learned that sometimes group work is just a chain of individual works, and if one of them gives a wrong answer they won't be able to get the expected final result.
Unlike most Chinese summer tournaments, this one has many fun activities. One of them is the Talent Show. I'm really not very good at solving cubes fast. However, after I have finished my last cube, one of the American students said:"You're amazing, that's true." This encouraged me to study the cubes more.
The science exhibition is not what I expected. It tells much about mathematics, like the golden section. From this visit. I knew more about my body, and saw some amazing machines.
That's all. Thank you for your time!