斯坦福大学 - 美国“数学大联盟杯赛”决赛和数学夏令营部分教授简介

Ravi Vakil (拉维•瓦基勒[音译,下同], http://math.stanford.edu/~vakil/), 1970年2月22日出生于加拿大安大略省的首府多伦多,美籍加拿大裔, 代数几何学领域世界著名数学家,曾任教于普林斯顿大学和麻省理工学院,现任斯坦福大学数学系终身教授。

Ravi Vakil (拉维•瓦基勒)在中学阶段就展现出超人的数学才华, 他曾三次代表加拿大国家队参加国际数学奥林匹克竞赛 (International Mathematical Olympiads, IMO), 获得两枚金牌和一枚银牌的优异成绩。他还是Putnam Mathematical Competition历史上仅有的连续4年获得Putnam奖学金的4名学生之一。 Putnam Mathematical Competition是世界公认的世界最高水平的大学数学竞赛, 自从1938年起由美国数学学会(Mathematical Association of America)每年举办一次, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Lowell_Putnam_Mathematical_Competition。 Ravi Vakil (拉维•瓦基勒)现在是斯坦福大学每周Putnam preparation seminars的负责人。

Ravi Vakil (拉维•瓦基勒)1992年获得多伦多大学的理学学士和硕士学位后, 前往哈佛大学数学系,在Joe Harris教授 (乔•哈里斯[音译])的指导下继续攻读博士学位, 并于1997年获得哈佛大学博士学位。

Ravi Vakil (拉维•瓦基勒)是代数几何学领域世界著名数学家, 他的研究方向横跨枚举几何学、拓扑学、格罗莫夫-威藤不变量理论以及古典代数几何学等多个领域。 同时他也解决了舒伯特演算中若干悬而未解的问题。 其它的成就还包括解决了一个困扰世界数学届长达20年的问题,即证明了舒伯特问题的实质就是计数。

Ravi Vakil (拉维•瓦基勒)在数学上的成就举世公认,也为他赢得了很多奖项,包括美国国家科学基金会终身成就奖、 史隆科学研究奖、美国数学学会百年纪念终身成就奖、罗宾逊最佳论文奖以及蒙特利尔大学数学研究中心颁发的André-Aisenstadt Prize等。

Ravi D. Vakil (born February 22, 1970, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is an American-Canadian mathematician working in algebraic geometry. He has since been an instructor at both Princeton University and MIT. But now he is the professor of Stanford University.

Vakil has participated with the Canadian team in three International Mathematical Olympiads, winning two gold and one silver medals and was the fourth person to be a four-time Putnam Fellow in the history of the contest. Also, he has been the coordinator of weekly Putnam preparation seminars at Stanford.

After earning a BSc and MSc from the University of Toronto in 1992, he completed a Ph.D. in mathematics at Harvard University in 1997 under Joe Harris.

Vakil is an algebraic geometer and his research work spans over enumerative geometry, topology, Gromov–Witten theory, and classical algebraic geometry. He has solved several old problems in Schubert calculus. Among other results, he proved that all Schubert problems are enumerative over the real numbers, a result that resolves an issue mathematicians have worked on for at least two decades.

Vakil has received many awards, including an NSF Career Fellowship, a Sloan Research Fellowship, an American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowship, a G. de B. Robinson Prize for the best paper published in the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, and the André-Aisenstadt Prize from the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques at the Université de Montréal.
